viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

Do you know the bbc website? If you don't, I'm going to tell you something about it!

This website is really good to improve english skills, for example you can find videos of pronunciation tips and idioms. Also there are a lot of series to know how to use phrasals verbs and you can read interesting news about what is happening in the world and at the same time you are going to learn more vocabulary.

This website is great because you can practice and enjoy at the same time. There are too many sections to improve different english skills, for example I really liked the section of phonetics because we can practice what we learnt in class, so it can help us a lot.

If you have any question about english or if you have free time and you do not know what to do, have a look at this website!!
Hello everybody!

I'm Vanesa, I'm 19 years old and in my free time
I paint boxes. I like to give the boxes to my family in Christmas and birthdays
and I think my boxes are a very special gift. If you want a box let me know, maybe
at the end of the year I can give you one!